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How to treat ingrown hairs with tea tree oil to treat ingrown hairs with tea tree oil

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Have you ever heard about the home remedy about how to treat ingrown hairs with tea tree oil?

It’s true!  You can! First, let’s talk a little bit about ingrown hairs. 

What is an ingrown hair and who gets them?

An ingrown hair is exactly as it sounds; a hair that has grown into the skin follicle. Simply put, it’s a coarse, curly hair that grows back into the skin. This occurs usually from shaving or a lack of natural exfoliation but it can happen in any area of the body. The typical areas for women are on the legs, bikini area, or underarms. On men, it is the face or neck area. Anyone can get an ingrown hair.

When the hair grows into the skin like that, it is also known as razor bumps or razor burn. This is because the skin is raised up and often cause a pimple-like blemish on the skin. The skin becomes red around the affected area. This is quite unpleasant and sometimes, it can be extremely sensitive.  But the discomfort does not have to happen!

What is Tea Tree Oil and How Does It Help Ingrown Hair?

Tea tree oil is a magical substance. It is made from the tea tree through a process that involves steam distillation of the tree’s leaves. This all-natural oil is the perfect remedy for ingrown hair because it helps reduce inflammation. Inflammation is the main issue with the ingrown hair. Even the most minor inflammation can be uncomfortable. Not only does the oil provide anti-inflammatory properties but it also is antiseptic and antibacterial. This is crucial because it will help protect against further ingrown hairs and infection by keeping the areas clean.

How to treat ingrown hairs with tea tree oil

1) Mixing with Water:

Natural practitioners and oil experts that encourage the use of tea tree oil suggest 20 drops of oil into 8 ounces of warm distilled water. * Use it Two to three times daily. Use a cotton pad to apply it to the affected area.

2)Mixing with Your Daily Moisturizer:

Prevention is key to keeping potential at-risk areas free of ingrown hairs. Mixing approximately 10 drops to about 1/4 cup of your regular moisturizer will help with this. Every time someone lathers up with their favourite lotion, there will be a barrier protection built.

Tea Tree Oils on the Market

Our Top 3

There are lots of products on the market that promise results when it comes to razor burn and ingrown hairs. It can be confusing which products to choose from. Below we compare some popular choices!

This is a quick comparison chart.  Scroll down for more detailed information on products.

Healing Solutions Tea Tree 100% Pure Best Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil

Healing Solutions Essential Tea Tree Oil: This tea tree oil is 100% organic. It promises to deliver results while having a pleasant smell. The company states this is achievable because of their above-average distillation process and careful bottling procedures.

Artizen Tea Tree Essential Oil

Artizen: This oil comes in a one-ounce glass bottle. Their glass bottle and glass dropper system protects against any interference with UV rays from the sun. The Artizen brand provides pure, undiluted oil. They state this is to provide maximum benefits to the user.

Eve Hansen Organic Tea Tree Oil (2oz) | Highest Quality Melaleuca Alternifolia | Pure Tea Tree Oil for Skin

Eve Hansen: The Even Hansen brand of oils tests for high potency and quality control. They stand behind their oils and state they can be used in a variety of ways. Besides using for ingrown hairs, it can be used for aromatherapy or even cleaning. They are cruelty-free, which is an attractive feature.

Other Tea Tree Products

Not all ingrown hair treatment options are of the oil variety. Below, we can compare some other choices!

The Body Shop Tea Tree Squeaky-Clean Exfoliating Face Scrub

The Body Shop Scrub: This face scrub can be used all over the body. With its exfoliating properties, it penetrates the pores leaving skin smooth. This would be especially helpful for loosening up the ingrown hairs.

Tea Tree Clear Skin Serum, Age-Defying formula for acne-prone skin with 20% Vitamin C, Retinol, Niacinamide, Salicylic Acid & Hyaluronic Acid
True Skin Serum: Serum is not the same as oil. Serum’s have added benefits like vitamins to help with anti-ageing. This helps the skin look young and beautiful. It helps the skin stay soft while also brightening it up a bit. The greatest perk of this product is that it highly concentrated, so it only needs to be used 2 to 3 times a week! 

Shea Moisture Tea Tree Oil & Butter After Shave Elixir

Shea Moisture Tea Tree Oil & Butter Aftershave Elixir for Men: Don’t let the ‘for Men’ dictate the usage of this product! It can be used by anyone! This product offers protection against bacteria. It soothes the skin and offers instant burn relief.

Tea Tree Oil Exfoliating Scrub with Bamboo Charcoal, Neem Oil & Natural Pumice

Oleavine TheraTree Exfoliating Scrub with Bamboo CharcoalThis scrub is the best of all scrubs. It has many added benefits like the use of bamboo charcoal. Bamboo charcoal not only draws out dirt but it also a natural purifier. Olivine also uses Omega 6 and 9, which helps itchy, dry and inflamed skin.

TreeActiv Balancing Herbal Toner,

TreeActiv Balancing Herbal Toner: This herbal toner is the most unique product on the list. It is the easiest to use because it is a spray. All you have to do is spray it onto the affected area. It has witch hazel as one of its main ingredients which help with inflammation. This toner also contains rose water, which helps with redness and prevention of further skin ailments. Another main ingredient is the clary sage which is used for antibacterial properties. 

Ingrown hairs can be stubborn and painful. There is no need to live with discomfort when so many great options exist for treatment. Tree Tea products offer a variety of solutions to treat, prevent and protect all skin types.

If you aren’t fond of the tea tree scent you can try another product from our list of most recommended products.

We have also found a lot of people have success by adding exfoliation mitts to their regular shower routine.
