How to get rid of ingrown hairs from waxing
What are ingrown hairs?
Ingrown hairs are produced when your skin does not naturally exfoliate on the surface enough. The cells in the follicle will form and build up if your skin doesn’t exfoliate itself. That makes a barrier so the new hair curls up or grows under the skin. When the new hair can’t poke through, it creates an ingrown hair. Don’t be discouraged though. It is easy to learn how to get rid of ingrown hairs from waxing.
Does everyone suffer from ingrown hairs?
No. But it is very common. People with coarse hair suffer the most from ingrowns.
Preventing ingrown hairs.
Through trial and error, you may have to figure out which form of hair removal creates fewer ingrowns. Trimming with an electric hair trimmer is the best way but some people like to have that completely bare feeling. Try a variety of methods of hair removal until you find the one that best suit you.
How to get rid of ingrown hairs from waxing.
A professional should ideally wax you. Besides having an extensive skin care education, professional waxers have years of experience in proper techniques. When the hair is pulled from the follicle with the proper product in the right direction, you will be less likely to suffer from ingrown hairs on your legs.
You can prevent ingrowns on your legs by exfoliating the skin every day and moisturizing.
You can use an exfoliating glove or mitt along with your favourite body wash. Lather up the soap in the shower and rub up and down your legs for a few minutes and rinse clean.
Use a moisturizing lotion of your choice and apply it every day.
Severe ingrown hairs will need to be treated with a serum.
A doctor should see infected ingrowns.
It is easy enough to get rid of ingrowns if you follow a simple enough protocol.